Tuesday, December 13, 2011

NSM Rally in Pomona, CA - Nov. 5th, 2011

The California chapter organized yet another successful rally, in fact our largest California rally to date. The Reclaim the Southwest Campaign continues forward. Thursday evening myself and a few of our Comrades went down to Pomona City Hall for an interview with a Los Angeles based tv network. On Saturday morning American Patriots gathered and we drove a convoy of 19 cars and vans into Pomona for the rally. The National Socialist Movement along with some solid Comrades from other groups brought in approximately 80 or more Patriots to Pomona City Hall to protest the California Dream Act, the influx of illegal aliens, and sanctuary cities. Several local media outlets ran reports claiming a couple dozen or 30 NSM supporters attended the event while others more accurately quoted 75, these figures do not include any of our supporters who attended out in the mostly hostile audience.

We parked our cars in a secure lot, formed up, and headed towards the front of City Hall. The usual assorted dregs of society (members of the ara/anti-racist action, communist party, along with a collection of various violent anarchists) let loose as we approached the street and started throwing drinks, traffic cones, and whatever other items they could find. Several of the ara degenerates picked up horse droppings (feces) with their bare hands and threw the horse crap into the air. which flew back into their own group of supporters, which was quite entertaining to see. When the National Socialist Movement refers to those who publicly stand against us as vile, degenerate, dirty, or sick people, this is the exact type of example we can use to prove our point time and time again. What type of person picks up feces with their bare hands and tosses it into the air like a child playing with a ball? Many of those whom oppose us are mentally ill, and such examples just further prove our point.

Confrontation between Neo-Nazi and Counter-Protesters at NSM Rally in Po...


Sunday, December 11, 2011

NSM Martyr's Day Gathering in the South

Getting my Nazi On! 88!

We held a Martyr's Day gathering in Eastern Georgia on Dec. 10th, to honor Col. Wild Bill Hoff, Jeff Hall and Robert Mathews. Each year Nationalists in the area have held celebrations to honor our brave soldiers who have gone on ahead to the next world. Speaking at this event was Commander Schoep, S.Sgt. Messer and Sgt. Drake. There was a meeting and after party with food and fireworks.
Myself and Commander Jeff Schoep.